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Red Alert's second and final companion disk. Find out all the information about it here including allit's secrets!

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Yuri's Revenge is the official expansion pack for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. The storyline picks up right where the canonical Allied ending from Red Alert 2 left off. While the Allies concentrated on regaining territory and fighting off forces loyal to the now former Soviet Premier Romanov, the latter's advisor Yuri secretly raised an army. Download Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 1.006 patch for Windows to update Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 to version 1.006.

For full information see below, but the Aftermath secrets are:

  • FIVE new hidden units! Including the Phase Tank and the HeliCarrier!
  • THREE structures added by Aftermath!
  • New team orders for use in mission creation!
  • Extra MapPack/Overlay graphics for use in maps!
  • EVEN MORE maps on the CD! (Yet to be confirmed).

As Westwood puts it:
'Prepare for the showdown that will test your mettle.
Prepare for guerrilla tactics, insidious strategies and forbidden weapons.
Prepare for The Aftermath, the second explosive companion disc for Command & Conquer Red Alert.
Of course, you can't have the battle without the war. You must own Command & Conquer Red Alert to play this missions disc.'

New Units added by Aftermath:
RA PictureIconInformationDescription
Chronotank:The latest advancement to the Allies time and space experiments. When chargedup this tanks can chronoshift itself anywhere on the map with the bonusof NOT returning to it's original position after 3 minutes. Quite expensive,but a squad of these could cause havoc to the enemy. Chronotanks are veryslow though and are vulnerable to rifle infantry.
DemolitionTruck: A drone truck carrying a nuclear payload. This truck canbe targeted at buildings or detonated in specific areas. When destroyed,it's payload detonates like an atomic bomb destroying anything nearby.Be careful not to leave one of these around your own base if the enemydestroys it... The Iron Curtain is virtually ineffective on Demo-trucksdue to the nuclear payload, and if you try chronoshifting one it will detonateimmediately (not usually a good idea).
HeliCarrier:THE HIDDEN AFTERMATH UNIT! This unit doesn't appear in any official mission.It can carry up to 5 helicopters to provide a landing base for them whichcould be closer to the enemy base to allow for faster attacks. To use,simply direct a helicopter to land on the carrier. Up to 5 can be carriedthis way. When the carrier is selected you can choose to fire on enemyunits and all the helicopters will take off and attack. Touse this unit download the file below.
M.A.DTank: The Mutually Assured Destruction tank is owned by both sides.When activated the driver leaps out and leaves the tank to explode. Thereis a short warning siren followed by a powerful harmonic shockwave hittingall buildings and vehicles in a very large area. Infantry are unaffectedby the shockwave (so the driver is safe :-). Once activated the only wayto stop it is to destroy it! Each shockwave destroys around 35%-40% ofstructures/mechanical units so 3 M.A.D tanks can destroy an entire basein seconds.
Mechanic:Similar to the Allied field medic, this guy can repair vehicles for freein the field rather than having them return to base and using the servicedepot. Quite slow and vulnerable, although a couple of them in a groupof attacking tanks can be worth their cost. The repairs are free and agenerally quicker than the service depot. It's useful to have a mechanicnext to ore refineries to repair Ore trucks each time they unload.
MissileSubmarine: A thousand times better than the original Soviet sub,this can fire on land with a huge range and missiles almost as powerfulas the allied cruiser. The only problem is it has no naval defence in thesame way the Allied Cruiser doesn't. However, unlike the cruiser it's weaponis very accurate so force firing nearby enemy naval units won't cause anaccidental hit.
PhaseTank: Another unit added by Aftermath, this is only available inmissions. It can bend light around it's hull making it invisible to anythingthat isn't very nearby. The Phase tank can carry up to 5 infantry unitsand also has a very powerful weapon, although it can be seen whenever itfires. The missions show this was meant to have been stolen by the Sovietsfrom the Allies. To use this unit in multiplayergames download the file below.
ShockTrooper: These guys carry a portable tesla pack on their backs.Although it is short-range and they move quite slowy they can be very usefulsince they cannot be run over by enemy vehicles. A few of these can causehavoc to a group of enemy tanks.
TeslaTank: A new version of the mobile tesla coil tank from Counterstrike.Not very well armoured but a few of these amongst a pack of tanks willadd a little extra to the attack force. At least this time it looks better:-)
Scout Ant:These appearto be the ants originally available in CounterStrike. There seem to bethree seperate Units and three separate Images although they are all thesame graphic. Their only use in Aftermath is in one MegaMap (Island WarsExtreme) used in multiplayer. In this map there are also some Giant AntHillswhere the ants come from.
These ants can also be found in Aftermath Giant Ant Missions.
Fire Ant:
Warrior Ant:
The Giant Queen ant. Firstseen in Counterstrike this structure is also in Aftermath. However, likeall the 'new' structures it does not seem to be used anywhere in Aftermath.
Larva 1. A simple structuredepicting a young ant. First seen in Counterstrike in the final indoorhidden Giant Ant missions.
Larva 2. A simple structuredepicting two young ants. First seen in CounterStrike's Giant Ant missions.
Other Aftermath features:
18 all new missions9 new missions for eachof the Allies and Soviets which can be played in any order. None are particularlyspectacular but have a few nice touches, such as the chronotank reinforcementsand para-tanks. They also introduce the new units, including the PhaseTank.
Megamaps!Aftermath allows you to play Megamaps which are the maximum size of map Red Alertcan handle. These make for much more fun and allow for better tactics andfreedom of movement for sneak attacks. Megamaps also allow some space ifyou are playing with several players.
New Soundtracks8 totally new soundtracks- and very good they are too.
New Sound effectsSome units such as the ShockTroopers have new voices for easy identification.
Build SlowdownWhen playing an Aftermathgame you'll find that building three or more production facilities (suchas the war factory) will not speed up production of units - it just providesanother place for units to come out of. This helps reduce tank rushingand similar strategies by making it more important to utilise all availableproduction structures such as for air and sea.
Newer Version of WChatWell, it's quite old now,but it is easily upgraded to the latest version and allows you to playhead-to-head on the internet for free!
Latest Upgrade for RAApparently Aftermath alsofixes a few minor bugs and improves speed of some animations. Mostly usefulfor those with slow graphics cards. Most useful though, you can now savethe game when playing multiplayer and skirmish games! (Not over the internetthough.) To do this you need to press ESCape during the game and choosethe Save option from within the Menu system. I have found that sometimesthis isn't available for some reason though.
'New' Team Orders for missionsComputer controlled chronoshifting(not using the AI though unfortunately) through the use of the old 'Spy@ waypoint' trigger (number 15).
Paratank reinforcementsThere are a few extra thingsthat can be done in Aftermath which cannot be done in Red Alert. Theseinclude dropping tanks and other units from Badger Bombers as reinforcementsinstead of only being able to paradrop infantry.
Extra terrain graphicsAftermath also adds theGiant Anthill graphics to Red Alert if you don't already have Counterstrikeinstalled. This doesn't seem to be available in most Red Alert editors(such as Red Alert Scenario Editor v1.24) and will crash the TerrainEditor if it is in the map.
To play a multiplayer gameof Aftermath, all players must have an Aftermath CD, which is very unfortunate.However, with Red Alert and Aftermath you now have a total of 3 CDs, so3 players can play regular RA without any more purchases! To do this aplayer with only regular Red Alert installed must host the game if playingover a network.
System requirementsWindows 95, Pentium Processor8 megs of RAM (16 MBs strongly recommended - believe me you'll need it!),dual-speed CD-ROM, 30 MBs hard drive space. I'm pretty certain Aftermathwill work in a DOS version of Red Alert, but you may need Windows 95 toinstall it in the first place! I seriously reccommend using the Win95 SVGAversion for playing Megamaps.
Multiplay requirments28.8 kbps modem or directinternet connection, Winsock 1.1 compliant TCP/IP stack, or networked computers.
Video/Audio 1Mb Microsoft DirectDrawTMcompatible, Soundblaster Compatible.
Well, should you buy download it?
Why you should buy download Aftermath:Why you shouldn't buy download Aftermath:
  • 9 new units including the Chronotank and MAD tank!
  • Megamaps - the BEST way to play multiplayer
  • 18 all new missions.
  • 100 new multiplayer maps.
  • New soundtracks.
  • Build Slowdown.
  • Many third party add-ons now require Aftermath and it's new units.
  • For those who write RA missions, Aftermath offers even more possibilities.
  • Only 7 new units normally available.
  • Most of the new units are normally available in Rules.ini patches (eg Demo-truck and Teslatanks).
  • Larger maps can be played in Red Alert anyway (although not as well as in Aftermath).
  • There are lots of missions available to download for free from the internet.
  • There are thousands of new multiplayer maps around.
  • Some soundtracks are similar to the normal RA ones.
  • Lots of people like the tank-rush! ;-)
  • For multiplayer games everyone needs to have bought Aftermath.
Well, in my opinion you should buy download Aftermath, especially if you have an internet connectionand access to Westwood Chat. Despite it's many faults it improves Red Alertgameplay enough to make it worthwhile.

There is a hidden Aftermathunit which is not normally available at all in Aftermath - the Helicarrier.There is also the Phase Tank which is used in some Aftermath missions butnot available in multiplayer games. I have not made the ants availablefor use because they are not very useful as units in multiplayer games.If you want to use the two hidden units in multiplayer games simply downloadthe file below. Unzip it into your Red Alert directory and then start RedAlert.
To use the 2 hidden unitsyou need to have the prerequisites necessary for building them. Play witha TechLevel of at least 10. For the Phase transport you need a weaponsfactory and a tech centre, for the HeliCarrier you need a Helipad, TechCentre and Naval yard/Subpen.
Note, ALL players musthave a copy of this aftrmath.ini in their directory to get the units inmultiplayer games. Note the spelling of the filename!

[ Downloadthe file by clicking here! (10Kb) ]

Thanksto Geerling for sending this version of the aftrmath.ini file. Thisis larger than the original but doesn't appear to have the chronotank problemexperienced by lots of people.

Author: Brian Bird
Source: IncREDible Alert

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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

Command & Conquer: Yuri’s Revenge is an expansion pack to Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 developed by Westwood Pacific. The game was released in North America on October 10, 2001 by EA Games. The game is centered on a shadowy ex-Soviet figure named Yuri who has established a secret army of his own and poses a threat to the free will of the world.

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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (RA2) is a strategy game (RTS) released in 2000 by Electronic Arts. The game was released for PC (Windows). The game takes place between the Allied forces and the Russians in the United States after the Second World War. It is a fictitious world in which Russians, under the command of Romanov and Yuri, have taken

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Jul 25, 2013 - Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge download pc game full version rip. Command And Conquer Yuri's Revenge is a nice real time strategy game by EA Games.

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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (Windows)

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (aka C&C:RA2) is a video game published in 2000 on Windows by Electronic Arts, Inc.. It's a strategy game, set in a real-time, sci-fi / futuristic, war, asia, europe, north america and psychic powers themes.

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Red Alert 2: Apocalypse adds new features to your Red Alert 2 game. Red Alert 2: Apocalypse version 3.1.000 by Master X.A.A. Overmind of Borg. One of the greatest real-time strategy games of all time, C&C: Red Alert brings a sci-fi twentieth-century conflict into the C&C mix. has chosen not to provide a direct-download.

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Download Red Alert 2: Apocalypse for Windows to add new features to your Red Alert 2 game. Red Alert 2: Apocalypse has had 0 updates within the past 6 months.

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Wielding strange new technologies and hungering for revenge, the Soviet Army invades America. Overwhelmed Allied forces, unprepared for the surprise attack, are decimated. Will freedom be crushed under the heels of Communist aggression. Red Alert 2 is another Real Time Strategy from Westwood the makers of the brilliant Command and Conquer series.

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Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Full Version Free Download for PC Game Information Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2 is a 2.5D real-time strategy computer game by Westwood Pacific, which was released for Microsoft Windows on October 23, 2000 as the follow-up to Command & Conquer: Red Alert.

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